Are you bothered by the sagging appearance of your upper eyelids? Do you have noticeable puffy bags under your eyes that always make you look exhausted? Blepharoplasty, also known as eyelid surgery, can treat both of these issues and more. At Ohio Facial Plastics, our team of expert facial plastic surgeons offers both upper eyelid and lower eyelid surgery so that we can provide our patients with the personalized aesthetic care they need. 

What Is Upper Eyelid Surgery?

Upper eyelid surgery, also known as upper blepharoplasty, is a facial rejuvenation procedure that focuses on restoring the youthful appearance of the upper eyelids. Aging and other factors can heavily impact the thin and sensitive tissue of the upper eyelids which can lead to problems like:

  • Wrinkling
  • Drooping
  • Excess skin
  • Obscured vision

Upper eyelid surgery can rejuvenate the appearance of the eyes by trimming loose skin, tightening the eyelid muscles, and eliminating pockets of fat. The remaining eyelid skin can then be lifted until smooth so that the eyelids have a younger appearance. Upper blepharoplasty can also lift tissue that has sagged to the point it is blocking your peripheral vision.

For the most natural-looking results, the incisions for upper eyelid surgery are made along the natural creases of the upper eyelid. Once the incisions have fully healed, they should not be easily detectable by others.

What Is Lower Eyelid Surgery?

Lower eyelid surgery or lower blepharoplasty can target some of the common signs of aging and aesthetic concerns people may have with their lower eyelids. With lower blepharoplasty, you can treat:

  • Wrinkles
  • Loose skin
  • Bulging under the eyes due to excess fat

The techniques used during your lower eyelid surgery will depend on the aesthetic concerns being treated. In cases where excess skin is being removed, the incisions will be made just beneath the lower lash line. The muscles of the lower eyelid can then be tightened, fat can be removed and redistributed, and excess skin can be trimmed.

If the problem being treated is bulging fat under the eyes, an incision can be made along the inside of the lower eyelid. This will allow excess fat to be removed while also leaving no visible scars.

Recovering from Eyelid Surgery

You will need some time to recover following upper and lower eyelid surgery. You may experience some pain and discomfort during the early parts of the healing process, but these side effects can be managed with medication and will subside over the next few days. 

Our team will provide you with a list of post-operative instructions that will help make the recovery process as easy as possible and minimize the risk of complications. Follow-up visits can also be scheduled if you experience any issues during your recovery.

Schedule a Consultation Today

To get started on your eyelid rejuvenation journey, contact Ohio Facial Plastics today to schedule a consultation for your eyelid surgery. Dr. Sumit Bapna is a double board-certified facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon who can let you know if upper or lower blepharoplasty can provide you with your ideal results.