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Ear Surgery Dublin OH

Ear Surgery

Surgery of the ear, also known as otoplasty, is a procedure that helps reduce protrusion of the ear away from the head. Most often, ear surgery is performed on children after age four to five, but can also be done in adulthood. 

Ears that “stick out” are often the source of teasing and ridicule in young children. This teasing can have a devastating effect on the child’s psyche. Cosmetic procedures are available for those individuals with large ears and for those with congenital (birth) irregularities that detract from their appearance. Additionally, an individual’s ears may exhibit abnormal traits due to their genetic make-up or an accidental injury, such as losing an ear or part of an ear. 

Otoplasty is used successfully for each of these situations. Regardless of the procedure, patients have been pleased with the long-lasting improvements to their appearance offered by ear surgery.

Reasons for Considering Ear Surgery:

  • Bring proportion to the face if the ears “stick out” too much.
  • Correct folded ear tips (lop ear).
  • Reshape long or offset earlobes.
  • Enhance very small ears or other congenital defects.
  • Remedy an accidental injury, including the loss of an ear or part of an ear

General Procedure

Ear surgery is commonly performed under general anesthesia for children and local anesthesia for adults. The standard otoplasty procedure brings the ears closer to the head. Otoplasty begins with an incision hidden in the crease behind the ear. This incision allows the cartilage located behind the ears to be reshaped in order to position them closer to the head. The procedure takes approximately one to two hours, depending upon the extent of surgery. There are various surgical techniques involved in correcting irregularities other than protruding ears. These techniques can be discussed with your physician during the initial consultation.


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Dr. Bapna and the staff are a harmonious team genuinely interested in what they do. They are always happy to answer questions honestly. I have been to similar practices and felt like I was listening to insincere high-pressure sales tactics. There is none of that at Dr. Bapna’s office. He is honestly listening to you and correcting your issue if that’s what you decide

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Recovery Process

Ear Surgery Dublin OHAfter the surgery is completed, large bandages will be wrapped around the head. This method secures the ear in place and assists with the healing process. The bandages are usually removed within a week and replaced with smaller dressings. Generally, post-operative instructions call for plenty of rest and limited movement in order to speed up the healing process and reduce the recovery time. Patients sometimes report minor pain associated with surgery. Any pain can be treated effectively with oral medication. While complications are rare, patients can minimize potential problems by carefully following the post-operative directions.

Are you a Candidate for Ear Surgery?

Ear surgery is a great option for people who aren’t happy with the look of their ears. Generally, this procedure is used on patients with ears that:

  • Are larger or smaller than normal
  • Have an abnormal shape
  • Protrude from the head a significant distance.

It is also a great option if you have suffered a traumatic incident that has caused your ears to become injured and disfigured. Ideally, patients should be at least 5 years or older, be in good physical health, and ready to follow any instructions given to ensure the best results possible.

How Much Does Ear Surgery Cost?

There’s no one-size-fits-approach to surgery and the techniques involved vary from patient to patient. During a consultation, we’ll analyze the look of your ears and compare them to the rest of your facial features to determine the best course of action for your individual needs. Once we have determined the proper treatment plan, we’ll discuss the cost of your ear surgery as well.

Contact Our Office

If you’re interested in learning more about ear surgery and related procedures, don’t hesitate to contact our office to schedule your informative consultation with Dr. Sumit Bapna today. Our facial plastic surgery facility in Dublin, OH will walk you through the entire process and address any questions or concerns that you may have along the way.

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